SUMMARY: Attachment sizes

From: Karyn Williams <>
Date: Tue May 07 2002 - 12:27:03 EDT
Original post: I am planning to limit the size of attachments here and
thought it might be useful if I had an idea of what size other admins allow
in to their network. If I set our limit too high, it will just cause a lot
of bounces. So, would you mind letting me know what size you allow into
your network. Thanks.

Here are the votes:

100k		1
1MB		2
2MB		1
3MB		1
4MB		1	
4.5MB		1
5MB		3
10MB		2
15MB		1
30MB		1
60MB		1
none		2

As you can see from the responses, it is pretty much all over the place.
One person mentioned having one limit for internal mail and one for
outgoing mail, but I'm not sure how to do that at this time, so I will have
one limit for everything for now. I've decided to go with 10MB and see how
that flies. 

Thanks to:

Michael DeSimone
Stephen Smith
Todd Jensen
Michael Kriss
Lars Hecking
Kanchan Wadhwa
Tim Chipman
Sean Ryan
Allan West
Blaine Owens
Hendrick Visage
Moti Levi
Bob Rahe


Karyn Williams, CNE
Network Services Manager
sunmanagers mailing list
Received on Tue May 7 13:31:49 2002

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