I'd been seeing the following on a domain of an E10k...
Mar 28 19:36:53 myhostname /sbin/cvcd-(HOSTNAME:myhostname) TLI socket write err
or Resource temporarily unavailable
Thanks to:
Alfredo De Luca
Brendan Choi
Josh Wyatt
Lee, Annette
Peter L. Buschman
Shedd, Graham
Stephen Oxley
Steve Harris
benedetto lo giudice
Basically this can happen if the virtual console is unable to talk to
the SSP (eg bad ssphosts file, netcon not running properly on the SSP) etc.
Whenever a console message should appear, a communications error can cause
this line to be raised.
Useful tips:
Mailing list: http://www.tinaa.com/bigiron/index.html
(seems to be in "startup" mode, with little traffic)
Check /etc/ssphosts is correct. Verify /etc/hosts is correct. If
cvcd chewing up large amounts of CPU then it's having trouble talking
to the SSP
Restart all netcon's on SSP
Patch SSP and domain,
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