SUMMARY: Attaching a multipack to two hosts

From: Vahid Moghaddasi (
Date: Sat Mar 04 2000 - 09:43:27 CST

I have received several all-different answers and I need to try
them, if you are interested I can let you know which one worked
for me. An unofficial recommendation from Veritas was to modify
driver.conf file.
Thank to the following people for suggestions:
Birger Wathne, Casper Dik, Gary Jenson, Thomas Anders
Arthur Darren Dunham, robsonk, Tom Jones.
Here is what I received so far:

-You can actually change those in the driver.conf files per
 SCSI card;
 the global setting is the default and should change them for
 all cards in a single system.

- scsi-initiator-id at the ok prompt will change *all* targets

- All busses... There's a sunsolve document for how to do this

- This can only be done with differential SCSI, are you sure
  your Mutlipacks are differential and not single ended?

- for PCI based adapters using the glm driver, I've made
  changed to the glm.conf file under /kernel/drv. This will
  allow you to change the SCSI-initiator-id for just that
  adapter, which means you would NOT change at OBP. I don't
  have a copy of the glm.conf file that I used (on a customer's
  system), but I remember using man pages (glm) and doing a
  search on for scsi initiator or glm.

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