SUMMARY: Off Topic Reset HP Device Passwort

From: boenning (
Date: Tue Aug 03 1999 - 03:15:22 CDT

Thanx to all,

the solution is:

Do a cold start. I.e.
Power down - Press and hold the online Button - Power up

CU, Dirk.

Original Question:
> Hello,
> this is a little bit of topic, but I know that a big number of Sun Admins are
> also responsable for some HP Printers
> Question:
> I got a couple of used HP Printers. Within the configuration I noticed that
> two of them had allready set a device password. Sure enough to say, nobody
> them. How could I set a new (i.e. reset) these device passwords ?
> Any glue ??

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| CAPCom Technologie Beratung | Dirk Boenning |
| Entwicklung und Vertrieb GmbH | Tel.: +49 (0)6151/155-900 |
| Rundeturmstrasse 6 | Fax.: +49 (0)6151/155-909 |
| 64283 Darmstadt / Germany | E-Mail: |

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