We rerun format, format disk then repartition disk.
reinstall OS and reload the data.
Everything is fine now.
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>From sun-managers-relay@ra.mcs.anl.gov Wed Jan 7 21:24:54 1998
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 20:39:51 -0800
From: jliu@extsvr.aptix.com (Jeffrey Liu)
To: sun-managers@ra.mcs.anl.gov
Subject: Quantum on TATUNG 5
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We have a Quantum 4GB disk on TATUNG 5 system.
The disk type is: Qutntum-XP34550S-LXY1 cyl 4847 alt 2 hd 10 sec 152
This is a new disk, we install SunOS 4.1.4 and restore data from
tape (Exabyte EXB-210 8mm tape locally) to disk.
The disk has three partition, /, /usr(sd0g), and /usr1(sd0h).
OS installation, reboot, and data restoring (by restore -rf /dev/rst0 command)
are normal without any error or warning message.
After installation, we run #fsck
/ is OK. /usr report BAD SUPPER BLOCK:.... /usr1 has many dup Inode.
Why? we didn't do anything on /usr during restore and /usr is
still mounted and accessable(can ls/cd/cp..)
Interest thing is that after #fsck -b # -y /dev/rsd0g to clean
many unknown file type, inode.. run #fsck /dev/rsd0g still report
BAD SUPPER BLOCK but run $fsck -b # /dev/rsd0g is clean.
Why alternative supper block didn't update support block?
What cause the problem? bad disk or bad data?
Please help, we must set this server up running ASAP.
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