I just posted a question about ping dumping core with both SunOS 4.1.4
and Solaris 2.5.1. This is caused by ping seeing an ICMP message that
it doesn't know and it is fixed by patches 103297-01 (SunOS 4.1.4) and
103699-01 (Solaris 2.5.1, with fixed ping binary useable down to 2.4).
Incidentally, it was ICMP 13, which is adminstrative blocking and it comes
from signet-100Mb.smart-nap.net - have the people at Linux HQ not been paying
their ISP's bills :-?
Kindest regards,
Niall O Broin
UNIX Network Administrator nobroin@esoc.esa.de
Ground Systems Engineering Department Ph./Fax +49 6151 90 3619/2179
European Space Operations Centre, Darmstadt, Germany
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