SUMMARY: Logging User Commands

From: Rubens Mau (
Date: Mon Feb 03 1997 - 06:26:09 CST


Thanks for all of you that answered so quickly to this question.

"I would like to log all the commands done by my users in the system.
I already use a modified login ( came with the logdaemon package ) that
logs the logins of each one, but I would like to log also which commands
each user has done."

I got different answers, that can be resumed in two :

1 - Use the solaris accounting tools :

# /usr/lib/acct/accton /var/adm/pacct
> this command log each user's command. For view this log
> file use the command lastcomm, see man pages for more details. The
> problem of this metod is the space in disk.

2 - if using /bin/csh (or a derivative, like tcsh), set history to
> and turn savehist on,
> eg, in the .cshrc
> set history=3000
> set savehist

Thanks again,
From: "Greg G. Goldstein" <m1ggg00@FRB.GOV>
Michael Shon (716) 385-5065 michael.shon@East.Sun.COM
Harvey M Wamboldt ^ E-Mail:

The command `lastcomm` should do the trick for you. Do a man on lastcomm.

From: Hernan Dario Russy <>
From: (Mark A. Baldwin)

> As I see it, there are several answers:

> 1. if using /bin/csh (or a derivative, like tcsh), set history to
> and turn savehist on,
> eg, in the .cshrc
> set history=3000
> set savehist

From: Troy Wollenslegel <>

Bash may do what you want. you can have the history file go somewhere
that is unreadable by that person(group)
> De: Jim Harmon <>

> start investigating the "wtmp" file and how it's used. It's basically
> the core behind all the system accounting, which inturn monitors all the
> system activity--such as logins and commands executed.
> A utility that helps to set that up is called STALKER (It's a
> client-server commercial product)
Sue.Gray@Unisa.Edu.Au Systems & Networks

> use the following command:
> # /usr/lib/acct/accton /var/adm/pacct
> this command log each user's command. For view this log
> file use the command lastcomm, see man pages for more details. The
> problem of this metod is the space in disk.
> Excuse for mi english,
> Good luck, Bye Bye
> Marcos
> Marcos A. Padilla M. Email :
> Rich Kulawiec

> (Oh -- and you don't need a modified login to track user logins. The
> package does that as well, and if you have accounting turned on, it'll
> assist you in collating that data along with other resource usage stats.)

> De: Francois Leclerc <>

> 1- to log command names (8 characters)
> Solaris 2.X System Administrator Answerbook
> search for accounting
> 2- to log a bit more : use wrapper as explained in this book page 699
> 3- to log a lot more : search C2 audit trail in answerbook
> 4- to get something out of the audit trail : Stalker products from
> All this is very well explained in the above mentioned book (chapter 10)
> Go buy it !
> De: Danny Johnson <>

> turn on accounting and you get that, but ONLY the command name
> (last 8 characters, no path and no arguments). that is enough
> for some people's requirements.
> De: Liew.Chee.Wah <>

> You can try the auditing subsystem built in Sun O/S. Try to activate the
> accounting subsystem and the command " lastcomm <username>" will display
> the last commands the user had entered.
> To start up the accounting subsystem, you can either manually type in
> '/usr/lib/acct/startup' or put this command in the system start up
> De: K.Ravi <>

> How about the accounting software that comes with Solaris by default? See
> of acct(1M), accton(1M). [Packages SUNWaccu and SUNWaccr have to be
Rubens Mau
tel.: 55-11-8294731

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