SUMMARY: traffic accounting possible..

From: Marcelo Maraboli (
Date: Tue Jun 11 1996 - 08:08:34 CDT

Hello admins..

First of all, sorry for the delay, but I'll explain that later..

Thanks to many people who kindly responded ASAP.

This was my original question..

>Hello Admins..
>I have 2 machines, a Sparc 20 and a Ultra SPARC 170 with many users which
>use internet.
>I am looking for software (commercial or share/freeware) that would do
>monthly traffic accounting for each user (for each machine).
>I am running Solaris 2.5 with all the patches installed.
>I'd appreciate any help that you can give me...

Filtering many responses like "you can't" this is what i received..

1.- Use "nnstat".
        This program does traffic account per IP, not per user in a host.

2.- Use "NeTraMet"
        excellent program, but same as (1).

3.- Use "Socks"
        This doesn't come in pairs (ha ha). This is a multipurpose program
which is mostly used as a firewall, but can do logging(Accounting),
 Authorization and Autentification. So If you don't want the firewall part
just configure it as a bypass and log the rest.

This can be found in the web site in which I downloaded
Socks5 version (the best) to try it out. I am installing a New machine
for this so I don't have a straight answer for my own question, but
Due to that I have received many queries about this SUMMARY, I decided to
post a pre-SUMMARY :)

I want to thank everyone who responded.


Marcelo Maraboli R.                  |----| |-[]-| |----|  C: uCapacitor
                                     |     C  I   C     |  I: Electronic
Undergraduate Student                |                  |       Island
Electronic Engineering               |--------()--------|  V: Voltage
Federico Santa Maria University	            V + -          
Chile                                        "Quantum Electronics"       
                                     The Beginning of the New Electronic Age
Network Administrator          "Quantum Electronics, That's COOL!"
WWW :       "Shut up, Beavis!" 

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