Summary: Kerberos authenticated NFS

From: V.Sander (
Date: Tue Aug 15 1995 - 12:35:35 CDT

Hi SUN Managers,

my original posting was:


I'm concerned about introducing the kerberized NFS for
Solaris clients (AUTH_KERB) and maybe for NFS server too.
In this authentication scheme I have problems with the
compability of the normal UNIX-Authentication.

Think about user A running kinit. This creates his initial
ticket in /tmp/tktuid. Now the user is creating a
file via NFS, mounted with -o kerberos.

Wich uid is stored in the remote inode? Where does the NFS
server gets the uid?? It is not stored in the ticket, nor
in the authenticator. Is it possible to access the file
locally without Kerberos?


The solution is /etc/netid. This dataset (normally managed
by NIs or NIS+) is mapping the Kerberos-Name of the
user to his UNIX authenticator.

Thanks to and

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