SUMMARY: HP LJ-II printcap

From: Bill Campillo (
Date: Wed Aug 02 1995 - 11:48:32 CDT

Thanks for the help.
I requested printcap for an HP LaserJet II on a SPARC Station x
running 4.1.3_u1.

Here's the summary:

This is the printcap entries for the HP laser printer

hp|hp|HP laser:\

Spaces before : in printcap must be 'tab' and you need to create the dir
in /var/spool called hp, then 'touch' a file called hp. also add the
filter to /usr/lib.

This is the filter referenced in the hp printcap. It address the
carriage return/linefeed problem inherant to HP printers and UNIX.

/usr/bin/echo -n '^[&k2G'
        exit 0

In 'vi' you press control+v then esc to enter the esc charater (^[)

The following information allows connection of a HP laser printer
to a Sun Sparc using 4.1.x OS. Fixes cr/lf problems.


# HP Laserjet 2





----------------- begin /usr/local/lib/hplaserjet -------------------------

#!/bin/csh -f
# This is the output filter form use with HP laserjets I and II.
# All it does is send the escape sequence to the printer, so that:
# CR is mapped to CR
# LF is mapped to CR LF
# FF is mapped to CR FF
# note that on the next line the "^[" is a real escape character
# just in case it gets lost in the mail (if this is mailed)

/usr/bin/echo -n '^[&k2G'
if ($status == 0) then
        exit 0
        exit 1

------------------- end /usr/local/lib/hplaserjet -------------------------

Don't forget to "chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/hplaserjet" and make doubly sure
that the "^[" above is truly a single escape character.

If you've never entered a real escape character into a file using "vi", all
you have to do in input mode is first type ctrl-V and then type the escape.
Then hit another escape to get yourself out of input mode.

Also, the printcap above is for a serial printer. If your printer is
parallel, then "lp=/dev/bpp0" and there are no "br" or "ms" sections.


Special thanks to:
and to our local Sun pre-sales rep.

I also got a bunch of sales info for serial/parallel interfaces from

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