SUMMARY: Memory reusage

From: Michael Pope (
Date: Tue Jan 10 1995 - 21:40:46 CST

Sorry if this is a duplicate. I posted this yesterday but never received
a copy myself. I suspect our mail wasn't working.

My original mail was as follows:-

> I'm sure this has come up very resently, or at least at some time in the
> past. Anyway, it was of little interest to me at the time so I didn't keep
> the info, but now it would real useful. Usual story :-)
> So, if anybody has any info about memory reusage, in Sparcstations could
> they please forward it to me. At the moment I'm specifically interested
> in whether Sparc 1, IPC or Sparc 2 memory can be reused in a Sparc 5 or
> Sparc 20.

With regard to my specific interest in reusing Sparc 1, IPC or Sparc 2 memory
in a Sparc 5 or Sparc 20, this was an absolute NO. (Russ Poffenberger) came up with an
interchangability chart which was useful:-

> The following groupings have generally interchangeable memory.
> SS-1, SS-2, IPC
> SS-10, SS-20*
> Classic, LX
> *Means that there are certain restrictions, usually related to speed.
> If it is not listed, then they are not interchangeable with any other machine.

Thanks to all who responded:-

Pablo Ruiz <>
Darren Cooper <>
Salvatore Saieva <merccap!>
Chris Biggs <> (David B. Brown) (Russ Poffenberger) (Bill Maggio) (Sandwich Maker)
Dan Stromberg - OAC-CSG <> (Steve Hanson)


Mick Pope Research & Development

Wilj International Ltd, Internet: Viking House, Phone: +44 1233 638383 Ellingham Way Fax: +44 1233 627553 Ashford, Kent, TN23 6NF ENGLAND Instrumental in Diagnostic Technology

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