> Original Question:
> Any information on getting a script to run setuid
> will be greatly appreciated.
Yes, I know this is a security risk.
No, I can't use a C wrapper program.
The winners are:
Ensure that the first line is:
#!/bin/sh -p
And, of course, do a chmod u+s
Ensure that the first line is:
#!/bin/csh -fb
And, again, do a chmod u+s
Thanks to the responders:
David Mostardi <david@capmkt.com>
Dan Stromberg - OAC-CSG <strombrg@hydra.acs.uci.edu>
Mike Dubman <dubman@black.bgu.ac.il>
clwillia <clwillia@twcable.com>
Kevin.Sheehan@uniq.com.au (Kevin Sheehan {Consulting Poster Child})
ajs6143@eerpf001.ca.boeing.com ( Andy J. Stefancik 237-2164 )
anderson@neon.mitre.org (Mark S. Anderson)
Richard Pieri <ratinox@unilab.dfci.harvard.edu>
thill@mmts.eds.com (tommy hill)
And thanks to any responses I have yet to receive.
-- Bert Robbins Newbridge Networks Inc. brobbins@newbridge.com 593 Herndon Pwky 703 708-5949 Herndon, VA 22070
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