Sorry for the delay with the SUMMARY but I was away all week.
I would like to thank the following people for their respones:
Crag Kruck
Michael Harrington
Steve Swaney
Ron Vasey
John Hammersmith
Jeff Kaiserman
Allen A. Brown
>From the respones there were two different packages mentioned that could
handle scheduling. They were:
Synchronize by a company called CrossWinds Technologies.
Address: CrossWind Technologies, Inc. 408.335.4988 (phone)
6630 Highway 9 408.335.1086 (fax)
Suite 201
Felton, CA 95018
The other was Word Perfect for Suns which has a task manager besides scheduling
and calandar tools.
Once again I would like to thank the people for their respones and sorry for
the summary delay.
-- Charles A. Uretzky Dept. ND44010P0 AT&T Commvault, Eatontown, N.J. att!abars!cau or
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