SUMMARY: Elite 3 on 4/370 running 4.1.1

From: John Parker (
Date: Sat Jul 10 1993 - 11:12:08 CDT

I asked for help getting an Elite 3 (ST43400N) working on a 4/370 running

Well I only got one reply but thats not surprising. I do not believe there
is a problem with this combination.

I don't know what was wrong when I sent my request, but the following
morning I re-checked the partitioning, re-wrote the label, re-newfs'd the
partitions, and everything worked fine.

The only thing I did different was

        newfs (default)
        df (to check size)
        tunefs -m 2
        df (to check size)

instead of

        newfs -m 1

Note I opted for 2% instead of 1%.

Anyway, I now have two working partitions and lots of happy users busy
trying to fill up the new space.

The one reply I had was

> From Thu Jul 8 04:02:47 1993
> From: pln@egret1.Stanford.EDU (Patrick L. Nolan)
> To: john
> Subject: Re: Elite 3 on 4/370 running 4.1.1
> I think you may need patch 100474. It's a new "format" program
> for the sun4 architecture, which is needed for large disks.

Thanks, I'll take a look at the patch description. This may be
relavent to other users - I only used format for partitioning, I did not
need to actually format the drive.


John Parker email
Engineering Network Administrator
Rosemount Limited johnpar@rosemail
                                    MCI john d parker
                                    voice +44 243 845357
                                    fax +44 243 825070

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