Re: SUMMARY: scsiTerminal server

From: Pete Hartman (
Date: Thu Dec 03 1992 - 14:14:15 CST

In <> (John DiMarco) writes:
>From: Pete Hartman <>
>Well, I have a mixed tale.
>I have had a good response from their support people when I've had
>problems and the time to figure them out. I spent a long time
>not realizing I had misconfigured ours (we have two connected to
>a SS-2, which are used for incoming lines from an AT&T serial
>network called ISN), and trying to get them to help me when I didn't
>even understand what I was doing quite right. They tried hard.
>But it took me understanding what I should be doing (the lines
>had to be configured as if they were modems, so that they would
>pay attention to Carrier Detect) before I solved some basic problems.
>Since then (only a few months) I find that they intermittently stop
>working. Getty's run on these ports, there don't appear to be
>processes hung on the ports, but they don't answer. I don't
>understand the problem and haven't taken the time to chase it down
>(we have alternate means of connecting to that machine, and I'm responsible
>for 30-odd more suns, some with users who are a lot more strident about
>what needs to be done for them). I assume that when I do, I can
>get good help, but until then, they still don't work quite right.

To mitigate this bit of the summary some, I have started tracking
down the problem, and it appears to be some kind of firmware problem,
probably specific to our boxes (as opposed to common in all of them).

As before, I have gotten excellent support from Central Data on the
matter, and we're waiting for the problem to resurface so we can
collect more information to track the problem down further.

Pete Hartman		       Bradley University
         By the finite patience vested in me, I hereby dub thee "Mud".
                                 You may rise.

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