SUMMARY: arp cache size

From: Ed Arnold (era@niwot.scd.ucar.EDU)
Date: Fri Jul 24 1992 - 00:07:07 CDT

I posted the following last night:

>On our 690MP, the arp cache is apparently sized such that it can have only
>~92 entries, and we've been bumping up against the limit. Anyone know if
>there is a way of increasing this without source?

I subsequently discovered that our problem was not coming from our 4.1.2
system; it just appeared to be. The real problem was originating from
a 4.1.1 system, where the arp cache size is limited to 96.

Sun offers a patch for this (to if_ether.o), number 100361, which increases
the arp cache size to 1024. There was some confusion at Sun when I called
them, as to whether this would also work on 4.1.2, but they seem to think
it will (in which case the effect would be to increase cache size from 512
to 1024).

Thanks to all those who replied, esp. Hal Stern and Steve Jay.

Ed Arnold * NCAR * POB 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000 * 303-497-1253(voice)
303-497-{1298,1137}(fax) * [] * era@ncario.BITNET

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