My original question:
>We just received OpenWindows3.0 (finally !) and installed it together
>with the Sun Answerbook 1.3. The Answerbook is *not* installed in /usr,
>but is on another disk with sufficient space, and the PostScript files
>are kept on the CD-ROM drive. When I type "answerbook", it starts
>just fine. When I go Utilities=>SaveWorkspace from the root menu
>and log out and log in, I get this message:
>sh: syssoft_ab: No such file or directory
>and only one of the two tools show up on the screen.
>Apparently something is amiss. I had no such problems with OW2.0 and
>Answerbook 1.2. The manuals do not seem to have a solution for this
>problem. The current .openwin-init entry is:
>toolwait navigator -Wp 3 82 -Ws 560 560 -WP 289 3 -Wi syssoft_ab
>toolwait docviewer -Wp 403 1 -Ws 738 842 -WP 364 3 -Wi '<syssoft_ab>ABlogo'
I have no resolution of the problem, only a workaround due to Mike Sullivan:
>It's the docviewer line that causes the problem. I sort of fixed this
>for someone else here by using the line:
>toolwait docviewer -Wp 403 1 -Ws 738 840 -WP 237 833 -Wi /usr/AnswerBook/syssoft_ab/syssoft_ab.titlepage
>This was a quick fix, and at least 'looks' like it does when it comes up.
Another workaround (due to Mike Raffety) is this:
>That's because answerbook is actually a shell script that does a
>couple of things (including a setenv or two), then runs the executables.
>"Save Workspace" has no idea the script was (and has to) run before the
>binaries do. The workaround is to add the line to start answerbook to
>your .xinitrc (after the call to openwin-init).
Some reminded me that FONTPATH, BOOKINFO, HELPPATH, ABHOME should be set
correctly, but this does not seem to be the problem.
It was also suggested that I should set BOOKINFO in .login, but this didn't
help any (it's set in .cshrc).
Thanks to:
From: Mike.Sullivan@EBay.Sun.COM (Mike Sullivan {Keeper of the Sacred Word})
From: (Peter Gross)
From: cchtor!larry (Larry Chin)
From: Mike Raffety <>
Conclusion: bug unresolved, but two workarounds exist.
Ole Holm Nielsen
Laboratory of Applied Physics, Building 307
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