From: Martin Preßlaber <>
Date: Mon Mar 27 2006 - 03:58:44 EST

got the helpfull tip from reborg on an unix forum []

thanks for all answeres, unfortunately noone got the right hint here :-)
but here comes the SUMMARY:

vxdisk [-f] [-g diskgroup] resize {accessname|medianame} [length=value]

that option only comes with the Storage Foundation license from Veritas
for dynamic LUNs
i've tried it in a test environment, it also seems to work live, but
veritas recommendation is to do it offline.

root@scnode2 # vxdisksetup -i c3t54d0
root@scnode2 # vxdg init testdg testhd=c3t54d0
root@scnode2 # vxassist -g testdg maxsize
Maximum volume size: 5681152 (2774Mb)
root@scnode2 # vxassist -g testdg make testvol 2774m layout=nostripe
root@scnode2 #
root@scnode2 # mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/testdg/testvol
version 6 layout
5681152 sectors, 2840576 blocks of size 1024, log size 16384 blocks
largefiles supported
root@scnode2 #
root@scnode2 #
root@scnode2 # mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/testdg/testvol /mnt
root@scnode2 # while true; do mkfile 1024m /mnt/testfile && rm
/mnt/testfile ; done &
root@scnode2 #
#### now i increased the lun and configured the new size in solaris: ####
root@scnode2 # vxassist -g testdg maxgrow testvol
VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-1178 Volume testvol cannot be extend within the
given constraints
#### nothing... now reborg's hint ####
root@scnode2 # vxdisk -g testdg resize testhd
VxVM vxdisk ERROR V-5-1-8643 Device testhd: resize failed: Cannot remove
last disk in disk group
#### seems he want to reinitialize, out of group and back in.... ####
#### there cannot be a group without a disk... ####
#### temporaly i've added a second disk ###
root@scnode2 # vxdg -g testdg adddisk testhd2=c3t53d0
root@scnode2 # vxdisk -g testdg resize testhd
root@scnode2 # pgrep mkfile
root@scnode2 #
root@scnode2 # vxdg -g testdg rmdisk testhd2
root@scnode2 # vxassist -g testdg maxgrow testvol
Volume testvol can be extended by 65441792 to: 71122944 (34728Mb)
root@scnode2 # vxresize -g testdg testvol 34728m
root@scnode2 # df -h /mnt
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
34G   844M    31G     3%    /mnt
root@scnode2 # pgrep mkfile
root@scnode2 # ls -lh /mnt
total 554016
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root          96 Mar 27 10:29 lost+found
-rw-------   1 root     other       1.0G Mar 27 10:30 testfile
root@scnode2 # vxdisk -g testdg list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c3t54d0s2    auto:cdsdisk    testhd       testdg       online
root@scnode2 #

thanks for your help and all answeres

best regards
martin / PRESSY
sunmanagers mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 27 03:58:10 2006

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