SUMMARY:lpsched daemon wont start

From: Prabhat Karki (
Date: Thu Apr 27 2000 - 12:05:07 CDT

My original question was:
Hi Gurus,
Somehow the print services in my Solaris2.5 system stopped. Normally it restarts when we use lpsched. But in this case it just wont start. I tried lpshut and then lpsched.
When I do lpshced I get the message Print services started but when I use
ps -ef | grep lp
I cant see the process and when I try to print something I get the error.
I tried lpsched several times but the LP service just wont start.
Any Clue??

Thanks to all the response especially to Vinnie German, David Montgomery, Andrew Scrivner, David Foster, John D Groenveld, Berger Wathne and Calude Charest.

I removed fifos, requests, temp and tmp direcotories from /var/spool/lp and typed /usr/lib/lp/lpsched again and the print services started.
Those files in /var/spool/lp is created everytime lpsched is started. So my guess was some files in those directories were corrupted so I removed and recreated them.

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