SUMMARY TWO: Permissions & Internal Commands question...

From: Jason Boerner (
Date: Wed Mar 27 1996 - 18:21:24 CST

The orig. question is at the end of this posting. Search on Orig.

I have received so many good late responses that I needed to post a
recap. Here is how things stand:
It turns out that the use of SUID shell scripts on Solaris is not
supported by default. There would appear to be a kernel option that can
be set to change this behaviour. (I have no further information on

SUID shell scripts are allowed on older O.S.'s including SunOS.

The best way to do this is to use a "wrapper" function in C or PERL to
complete the SUID task.

I was sent two wonderful little C programs to handle this (see below).
Given more time, I will look into the second function. Given it's size,
I want to take further time to study it before placing it on my system.

Thank You to the NUMEROUS people who responded. This group is FANTASTIC.

---------- Wrapper Functions --------
>From mrp@hilbert.mnet.uswest.comWed Mar 27 16:13:10 1996

The problem is that set-uid shell-scripts are a big security hole, and so are
therefor disabled by default. So the script is not running as root. For a
full discussions of the security problems with set-uid scripts, I'll refer you
to the archives at

The only easy way to accomplish what you want to do is either to set the flag
that allows set-uid scripts and rebuild te kernel, (not recommended), or
build "wrapper" written in C, which is set-uid and calls the script, or just
write it in C alone.

/* simple C program to send a HUP signal. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>

main() {
   FILE *f;
   pid_t p;

   f = fopen("/var/","r");
   if (f == (FILE *) NULL) {
      perror("Can't open /var/");

   if(p > 0) {
       kill (p, SIGHUP);
   } else {
       perror("Invalid PID");


---- Wrapper Function Two -----
>From awagliar@hubcap.core-dump.comWed Mar 27 16:13:25 1996

I didn't write it, I can't take any credit or blame for it, and I haven't
really had the time to use it much, either. I've compiled it under Ultrix
(BSD, very similar to SunOS 4x) and Solaris (2.4). I used gcc (2.7.2) on
both machines, and it compiled without any problems. The source code and
executable (Solaris):

-rw------- 1 awagliar sysadmin 17053 Feb 28 13:53 shc.c
-rwx------ 1 awagliar sysadmin 27628 Feb 28 13:55 shc

As an example, I took a script ('0dump') that performs semi-automated
backups and compiled it. A C source code file and a binary executable
were created:

-rwx------ 1 awagliar sysadmin 6230 Jan 4 04:08 0dump
-rwx------ 1 awagliar sysadmin 10620 Feb 28 16:14 0dump.x
-rw------- 1 awagliar sysadmin 15098 Feb 28 16:14 0dump.x.c

The program seems to run without flaw. As for the 'encryption', I tried
to search for 'dev' (as in /dev/rmt/0l) with 'strings 0dump.x | grep dev',
and nothing was found. I wouldn't necessarily call this encryption
"secure", but it will keep the casual user with read permissions from
discerning what it does. Anyway, the source code follows. Good luck...

   .-. Andy "speed-racer" Wagliardo <> .-.
  / \ .-. Virginia Tech .-. / \
 / \ / \ .-. _ .-. / \ / \
         \ / \ / `-' `-' \ / \ / \
          \ / `-' Computer Science `-' \ / \
           `-' `-'
    snail://24060-0001/VA/Blacksburg/202 Barringer Hall/Andy Wagliardo/

/* shc.c */
/*TAG:53052 34:Mar 14 1996:0600:shc.c:*/

static char *my_name = "shc";
static char *version = "Version 2.4";
static char *subject = "Generic Script Compiler";
static char *cpright =
"Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Francisco Rosales (" ;

static char *copying =
" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n"
" (at your option) any later version.\n"
" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
" GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n"
" Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.\n"
" Report problems and questions to:\n"
"" ;

static char *abstract=
" This tool generates a stripped binary executable version\n"
" of the script specified at command line.\n"
" Binary version will be named with .x extension, and will usually be\n"
" shorter than ascii one.\n"
" You can specify expiration date [-e] too, after which binary will\n"
" refuse to be executed, displaying \"Contact with [-m]\" instead.\n"
" You can compile whatever interpreted script, but valid [-i], [-x]\n"
" and [-l] options must be given.\n" ;

static char *usage=
"Usage: -f script [-e date] [-m addr] [-i iopt] [-x cmnd] [-l lopt] [-vCAh]" ;

static char *help=
" -e %s Expiration date in mm/dd/yy format [NO]\n"
" -m %s e-Mail address to contact with at expiration [your provider]\n"
" -f %s File name of the script to compile\n"
" -i %s Inline option for this interpreter i.e: -e\n"
" -x %s eXec command, as a printf format i.e: exec(\\'%s\\',@ARGV);\n"
" -l %s Last option i.e: --\n"
" -v Verbose\n"
" -C Copying\n"
" -A Abstract\n"
" -h Help\n" ;

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define SIZE 1024

static char *file = NULL;
static time_t date = ((unsigned) -1) >> 1;
static char *mail = "your provider";
static char *inlo = NULL;
static char *xecc = NULL;
static char *lsto = NULL;
static char shll[SIZE];
static char opts[SIZE];
static verbose = 0;
static debuging = 0;
static char *RTC =
"#define SIZE 4096\n"
"#include <sys/types.h>\n"
"#include <sys/stat.h>\n"
"#include <sys/wait.h>\n"
"#include <stdio.h>\n"
"#include <stdlib.h>\n"
"#include <string.h>\n"
"#include <time.h>\n"
"#include <unistd.h>\n"
"extern char **environ;\n"
"void zcat()"
        "char *argv[] ="
        "{\"zcat\", NULL};"
        "execvp(argv[0], argv);"
"char *zread(int in)"
        "int tot, cnt;"
        "char *D;"
        "tot = SIZE;"
        "D = malloc(tot + SIZE);"
        "if (D == NULL)"
                "return NULL;"
        "memset(D, (int) ' ', --tot);"
        "D[tot++] = '\\n';"
        "while ((cnt = read(in, &D[tot], SIZE)) > 0) {"
                "tot += cnt;"
                "D = realloc(D, tot + SIZE);"
                "if (D == NULL)"
                        "return NULL;"
        "D[tot] = '\\0';"
        "if (cnt < 0)"
                "return NULL;"
        "tot -= SIZE;"
        "tot = tot > SIZE ? SIZE : tot;"
        "return &D[tot];"
"char *script(int argc, char **argv, char *shll, char *inlo, char *xecc)"
        "pid_t pid;"
        "int wz[2];"
        "int zx[2];"
        "char *D;"
        "if (pipe(zx))"
                "return NULL;"
        "switch (pid = fork()) {"
        "case -1:"
        "case 0:"
                "if (pipe(wz))"
                "switch (fork()) {"
                "case -1:"
                "case 0:"
                "D = zread(zx[0]);"
                "if (waitpid(pid, NULL, 0) >= 0)"
                        "return D;"
        "return NULL;"
"void rmarg(char **argv, char *arg)"
        "for (; argv && *argv && *argv != arg; argv++);"
        "for (; argv && *argv; argv++)"
                "*argv = argv[1];"
"int chkenv(char *shll, int mask, int argc, int rm)"
        "struct stat statf;"
        "char buff[512];"
        "int l, m, a, c;"
        "char *string;"
        "if (stat(shll, &statf) < 0) {"
        "mask ^= (int) getpid();"
        "sprintf(buff, \"x%%x\", mask);"
        "string = getenv(buff);"
        "mask ^= (int) statf.st_dev ^ (int) statf.st_ino;"
        "l = strlen(buff);"
        "if (!string) {"
                "/* 1st */"
                "sprintf(&buff[l], \"=%%d %%d\", mask, argc);"
                "return 0;"
        "c = sscanf(string, \"%%d %%d%%c\", &m, &a, buff);"
        "if (c == 2 && m == mask) {"
                "/* 3rd */"
                "if (rm)"
                        "rmarg(environ, &string[-l - 1]);"
                "return 1 + (argc - a);"
        "return -1;"
"void xsh(int argc, char **argv, char *shll, char *opts, char *inlo, "
"char *xecc, char *lsto, int mask)"
        "char buff[512];"
        "int ret, i, j = 0;"
        "char **varg;"
        "ret = chkenv(shll, mask, argc, 0);"
        "if (ret < 0)"
        "varg = (char **) calloc(sizeof(char *), argc + 10);"
        "if (varg == NULL)"
        "varg[j++] = argv[0];" /* My own name at execution */
        "if (ret && *opts)"
                "varg[j++] = opts;" /* Options on 1st line of code */
        "if (*inlo)"
                "varg[j++] = inlo;" /* Option introducing inline code */
        "if (ret) {"
                "xecc = script(argc, argv, shll, inlo, xecc);"
        "} else {"
                "if (*xecc) {"
                        "sprintf(buff, xecc, argv[0]);"
                        "xecc = buff;"
                "} else {"
                        "xecc = argv[0];"
        "if (!xecc)"
        "varg[j++] = xecc;" /* Script itself or Reexecute myself */
       "if (*lsto)"
                "varg[j++] = lsto;" /* Option meaning last option */
        "i = 0;"
        "if (ret > 1) {"
                "j -= ret;"
                "i = ret;"
        "for (; i <= argc; i++)"
                "varg[i + j] = argv[i];"/* Main run-time arguments */
        "if (ret && ret != chkenv(shll, mask, argc, 1))"
        "execvp(shll, varg);"
"void main(int argc, char **argv)"
        "char *stmp = \"%s\";"
        "char *shll = \"%s\";"
        "char *opts = \"%s\";"
        "char *inlo = \"%s\";"
        "char *xecc = \"%s\";"
        "char *lsto = \"%s\";"
        "char *mail = \"%s\";"
        "time_t date = %d;"
        "int mask = %d;"
        "if ((date - time(NULL)) < 0) {"
                "fprintf(stderr, \"%%s\\n\", stmp);"
                "fprintf(stderr, \"%%s: Out of date\\n\", argv[0]);"
                "fprintf(stderr, \"Contact with %%s\\n\", mail);"
        "xsh(argc, argv, shll, opts, inlo, xecc, lsto, mask);"
"\n" ;

static int error(char *type, char *frm, ...)
        va_list ap;
        int ret;
        extern int errno;
        extern char *sys_errlist[];
        char *frm2 = "\n";

        va_start(ap, frm);
        if (strchr(type, 's'))
                frm2 = ": %s\n";
        if(strchr(type, 'd') && !debuging)
                return 0;
        if(strchr(type, 'v') && !verbose)
                return 0;

        ret = fprintf(stderr, "%s", my_name);
        ret += vfprintf(stderr, frm, ap);
        ret += fprintf(stderr, frm2, sys_errlist[errno]);

        if (strchr(type, 'x'))
        return ret;

static int parse_an_arg(int argc, char *argv[])
        extern char *optarg;
        char *opts = "e:m:f:i:x:l:vCAh";
        char *nvv_fmt = " parse(-%c %s): Not a valid value";
        struct tm tmp[1];
        int cnt;
        char ctrl;

        switch (getopt(argc, argv, opts)) {
        case 'e':
                memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
                cnt = sscanf(optarg, "%2d/%2d/%4d%c",
                         &tmp->tm_mon, &tmp->tm_mday, &tmp->tm_year, &ctrl);
                if (cnt == 3) {
                        if (tmp->tm_year > 99)
                                tmp->tm_year -= 1900;
                        date = mktime(tmp);
                if (cnt != 3 || date == -1) {
                        error("", nvv_fmt, 'x', optarg);
                        return -1;
        case 'm':
                mail = optarg;
        case 'f':
                if (file) {
                        error("", " parse(-f): Specified more than once");
                        return -1;
                file = optarg;
        case 'i':
                inlo = optarg;
        case 'x':
                xecc = optarg;
        case 'l':
                lsto = optarg;
        case 'v':
        case 'C':
                error("", " %s, %s", version, subject);
                error("", " %s", cpright);
                error("", " %s", copying);
        case 'A':
                error("", " %s, %s", version, subject);
                error("", " %s", cpright);
                error("", " %s", abstract);
        case 'h':
                error("", " %s, %s", version, subject);
                error("", " %s", cpright);
                error("", " %s%s", usage, help);
        case -1:
                if (!file) {
                        error("", " parse(-f): No specified");
                        file = "";
                        return -1;
                return 0;
        case ':':
                error("", " parse: Missing parameter");
                return -1;
        case '?':
                error("", " parse: Unknown option");
                return -1;
                error("", " parse: Unknown return");
                return -1;
        return 1;

static int parse_args(int argc, char *argv[])
        int err = 0;
        int ret;

        my_name = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
        if (my_name)
                my_name = argv[0];

        do {
                ret = parse_an_arg(argc, argv);
                if (ret == -1)
        } while (ret);
        if (err)
                error("x", " %s", usage);
        return 0;

 * NVI stands for Shells that complaint "Not Valid Identifier" on
 * environment variables with characters as "=|#:*?$ ".
struct {
        char *shll;
        char *inlo;
        char *lsto;
        char *xecc;
} shellsDB[] = {
        { "perl", "-e", "--", "exec(\\'%s\\',@ARGV);" },
        { "rc", "-c", "", "builtin exec %s $*" },
        { "sh", "-c", "", "exec %s \\\"$@\\\"" }, /* IRIX_nvi */
        { "bash", "-c", "", "exec %s \\\"$@\\\"" },
        { "bsh", "-c", "", "exec %s \\\"$@\\\"" }, /* AIX_nvi */
        { "Rsh", "-c", "", "exec %s \\\"$@\\\"" }, /* AIX_nvi */
        { "ksh", "-c", "--", "exec %s \\\"$@\\\"" },
        { "tsh", "-c", "--", "exec %s \\\"$@\\\"" }, /* AIX */
        { "ash", "-c", "--", "exec %s \\\"$@\\\"" }, /* Linux */
        { "csh", "-c", "-b", "exec %s $argv" }, /* AIX: No file for $0 */
        { "tcsh", "-c", "-b", "exec %s $argv" },
        { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },

int eval_shell()
        FILE *i;
        char line[SIZE];
        int cnt;
        char *name;

        i = fopen(file, "r");
        if (!i)
                return -2;
        if (!fgets(line, SIZE, i))
                return -2;
        opts[0] = '\0';
        cnt = sscanf(line, " #! %s %s %c", shll, opts, opts);
        if (cnt < 1 || cnt > 2) {
                error("", " Invalid script's first line: %s", line);
                return -2;
        name = strrchr(shll, (int) '/');
        if (*name == '/')
        error("v", "shll=%s", name);
                error("v", "opts=%s", opts);
        for(cnt=0; shellsDB[cnt].shll; cnt++) {
                if(!strcmp(name, shellsDB[cnt].shll)) {
                        if (!inlo)
                                inlo = shellsDB[cnt].inlo;
                        if (!xecc)
                                xecc = shellsDB[cnt].xecc;
                        if (!lsto)
                                lsto = shellsDB[cnt].lsto;
        if (!inlo || !xecc || !lsto) {
                error("", " Unknown shell (%s): specify [-i][-x][-l]", name);
                return -2;
        error("v", " [-i]=%s", inlo);
        error("v", " [-x]=%s", xecc);
        error("v", " [-l]=%s", lsto);
        return 0;

int script_to_C()
        char cmd[512];
        FILE *i, *o;
        int seed;
        int cnt, c;
        int Zc = 0;
        unsigned char Z[SIZE];

        sprintf(cmd, "compress -cf %s", file);
        i = popen(cmd, "r");
        if (!i)
                return -2;
        sprintf(cmd, "sort > %s.x.c", file);
        o = popen(cmd, "w");
        if (!o)
                return -2;

        seed = time(NULL);
        for (;;) {
                cnt = abs(rand()) % SIZE;
                if (!cnt)
                        cnt = 1;
                cnt = fread(Z, 1, cnt, i);
                if (!cnt)
                fprintf(o, "static unsigned char Z%d[%d]={", abs(rand()), cnt);
               for (c = 0; c < cnt - 1; c++)
                        fprintf(o, "%#o,", Z[c]);
                fprintf(o, "%#o};\n", Z[c]);
        fprintf(o, "void writez(){if(");
        for (c = 0; c < Zc; c++) {
                cnt = rand();
                cnt = abs(rand());
                fprintf(o, "(write(1,Z%d,sizeof(Z%d))<0)||", cnt, cnt);
        fprintf(o, "0) return; exit(0); }\n");

        sprintf(cmd, "%s %s, %s\\n%s", my_name, version, subject, cpright);
        fprintf(o, RTC, cmd, shll, opts, inlo, xecc, lsto, mail, date, seed);
        return 0;

int make()
        char *cc, *cflags;
        char cmd[SIZE];

        cc = getenv("CC");
        if (!cc)
                cc = "cc";
        cflags = getenv("CFLAGS");
        if (!cflags)
                cflags = "";
                /*cflags = "-Wall -O2";*/
        sprintf(cmd, "%s %s %s.x.c -o %s.x", cc, cflags, file, file);
        error("v", ": %s", cmd);
        if (system(cmd))
                return -2;
        sprintf(cmd, "strip %s.x", file);
        error("v", ": %s", cmd);
        if (system(cmd))
                error("", ": It does not matter");
        return 0;

int do_all(int argc, char *argv[])
        if (eval_shell())
                return 1;
        if (script_to_C())
                return 1;
        if (make())
                return 1;
        return 0;

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
        parse_args(argc, argv);
        if (do_all(argc, argv)) {

---------- Orig. Question ----------

I am running with Solaris 2.4.

I have a simple sh script that restarts a program with the kill command.
i.e. kill -HUP `cat /var/`

This is being run by someone in the admins group.
However, I keep getting 266: Not owner (where 266 is the pid).

What is wronge with the way that I have this set up?
-rwsr-x--- 1 root admins restart

</bin>112% ps -l 266
 8 0 266 1 80 58 20 1784 808 nmap_loc S ? 0:03 /usr/local/etc/processd

NOTE: UID of 0 is root.

I suspected that this problem was caused by the fact that kill is an
internal shell command and that I was getting a permissions denied error
because the command was running under the users shell and not a shell
with root permissions. I then added the line:
to the start to the script to get around this. Still no luck.

My script now looks like this:
kill -HUP `cat /var/`

With the permissions listed above.

What very simple little thing am I over looking?

Thank you for putting up with such a "simple" question.

P.S. I checked the archive and numerous texts.

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