Summary: Unable to load any usable ISO8859-1 font in OpenWindows.

From: Kayvan Sylvan (kayvan@satyr.Sylvan.COM)
Date: Tue Jan 04 1994 - 03:49:08 CST

My original question:

>When I try to change fonts in an XTerm under openwindows, I get the
>error "Error: Unable to load any useable ISO8859-1 font".
>When I run X11R5 without openwindows, it works. Can anyone tell me
>why? Is there a way I can get it to work under Openwindows?

I found out that it's the openwindows server that can't deal with the
different fonts (not matter what font path I tried). My workaround was
to run "openwindows -server /path/to/mit/server/X" and then it worked
properly. I don't really need to display postscript (and I could use
ghostscript if I needed to).

Thanks to:

        Kent TSE <apple!!kent>
        apple!!mulara88 (james mularadelis)
        "Frederic Piard" <apple!!frederic_piard>


| Kayvan Sylvan, Sylvan Associates, kayvan@satyr.Sylvan.COM, (408) 978-1407 |
| Consulting, Training, Development, SysAdmin, {BSD,SVr3,SVr4} Unix Systems |
| "Think Globally, Act Locally." "Only you can make your dreams come true." |
| Proud Dad of Katherine Yelena (born 8/8/89) & Robin Gregory (born 2/28/92) |

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