Re: SUMMARY: A nice(1) question.

From: Mark Sirota (
Date: Thu Aug 12 1993 - 13:00:57 CDT

In article <> (Rick Morris) writes:
> In article <> I wrote:
>> Question: If all other processes are running with a nice
>> value of 0, does it make a difference if the background
>> process runs at a nice value of 4 or 19?

After reading through Rick's summary of responses, it seems that a lot of
people don't know the real answer to this question, so I thought I'd
post the details in an effort to avoid the spread of misinformation.
What I'm saying here is true for SunOS 4.1.x, or (I think) any BSD-based

The nice value of a process is used in a formula for calculating process
priority. The process priority is used by the scheduler to determine when
a process will run. You can see the priority in the output of ps -l.

Nice values, as you know, range from -20 to 19. Priorities range from 0 to
127, 0 being the highest.

The formula is something like
        p_usrpri = (p_cpu / 4) + PUSER + (2 * p_nice);
        if (p_flag | SFAVORED)
                p_userpri -= 20;
        if (p_rss >= maxrss && freemem < desfree)
                p_userpri += 8;

        if (p_userpri < 1)
                p_userpri = 1;
        else if (p_userpri > 127)
                p_userpri = 127;

p_cpu is incremented each tick that the process has executed, so the longer
it has been around, the lower the priority.

PUSER is 50, the base priority for a user process.

p_nice is the nice value. You can see that there's no such thing as
"Processes with a nice of 19 never execute unless nothing else is running."
They simply get a lower priority, but may still get scheduled.

I'm not sure who sets the SFAVORED flag. I know that if a process is
killed with SIGKILL or SIGTERM, and if p_nice is greater than zero, the
nice is reduced to zero. This is different from SFAVORED, as far as I

If a process has hit maximum resident set size and the system is low on
memory, it gets a lower priority.

Then, make sure that the priority is between 1 and 127, and we're off and

Hope that helps clear up the confusion... Note that there may be small
errors. Most of this is from memory.

Mark Sirota, System and Network Manager
Greenwich Associates, Greenwich Connecticut, (203) 625-5060

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