SUMMARY: Booting from Toshiba 3401 CD-ROM

From: Dave Cress (
Date: Wed Jun 02 1993 - 22:28:16 CDT

First I wish to say thank you to all who replied.

Now on the the summary. It turns out it is a firmware problem with the 3401.
The drives comes from Toshiba setup for a 2KB block length, the firmware is
however a multi-firmare setup, (thats what they said). All you have to do is
cut two solder traces and your in buisness. I have our customer using a Sun
CD-ROM and he is sending me their Toshiba so that we can modify it.

Just a word of information, Sun links /etc/fsck to /usr/etc/fsck, so when we
lost access to /usr/etc we no longer had any fsck command to use. Thats why I
needed to boot from CD-ROM.

Thanks to:

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