SUMMARY: 2.0 GB Disk on 4.0.3

From: Alex Sarafian (
Date: Sat Apr 03 1993 - 02:17:20 CST

The other day I asked about using a 2.0 GB disk with SunOS 4.0.3

I was looking for either a patch or information on whether partitioning
the disk into smaller partitions to get around 1.2 GB limit would work.

The answers I received fell into the following 4 categories:

1). Partitioning the disk into smaller partitions will work
                --> The limitation is with the filesystem size, thus
                     partitioning it will solve the problem

2). Partitioning the disk into smaller partitions will not work
                --> The limitation is with format not being able to read or
                     map out bad blocks past the 1GB limit, it wraps around
                     and maps out lower addressed blocks
                --> limited number of address bits (24 ?) available for the
                     device commands. Not enough bits to format anything
                     over 1 GB

3). Upgrade to 4.1.X (we cannot)

4). Put the disk on another system (4.1.X) and mount via NFS

We will probably just swap this 2 GB disk with a 1 GB that's
on a 4.1.2 system and solve the problem that way, since we are not sure
whether the partitioning trick will really work or not.

Thanks to: (Frank Allan (Network Mgr))
Mark Prior <> (Paul Lord)
Geert Jan de Groot <> (Kristin L. Larsen)
Curt Freeland <>
Sid J. Stuart <sid@Think.COM>
Steve Hanson <> (Bill Heiser) (Joel Shandelman FIMS Information Systems - 212-648-4480)
Mike Raffety <> (Brian Farrell 4-6531 MRCE)
Glenn Shaw <>
ups!upstage!glenn@fourx.Aus.Sun.COM (Glenn Satchell - Uniq Professional Services)

--- Alex Sarafian ---
--- Analog Devices, Inc. ---
--- 3 Technology Way, Norwood, MA 02062 ---
--- phone (617)461-3987 fax (617)461-3010 ---

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