SUMMARY: Xarchie 1.3 installation problem.

From: Massimo Mentrasti (
Date: Mon Feb 08 1993 - 10:55:42 CST

My original question:

> Hello SUN managers,
> I' m trying to install the X11 browser interface to Archie
> on my system ( SPARC, SunOS 4.1.2, OW3 ) but I have a compilation
> problem.
> cc -o xarchie aquery.o atalloc.o dirsend.o get_pauth.o get_vdir.o perrmesg.o ptalloc.o stcopy.o support.o vl_comp.o vlalloc.o xarchie.o db.o actions.o types.o classnames.o procquery.o settings.o ftp.o alert.o confirm.o dialog.o -g -LEzMenu -lezMenu-sparc -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lm
> I get
> ld: Undefined symbol
> _get_wmShellWidgetClass
> _get_applicationShellWidgetClass


The problem is due to the original X11R4 libXmu shared library that came with
Openwindows 3.0.
The suggestions I received fall into 3 categories:

1) just ignore the error, but my executable crashed.

2) link the static version of the libXmu using -Bstatic -lXmu -Bdynamic

3) apply the following patches :

   Patch i.d. Bug i.d.'s O/S Description
   100512-02 1086793 1086912 4.1.x OpenWindows 3.0 libXt
                    1074766 Jumbo patch
   100573-03 1087332 4.1.x OpenWindows 3.0 undefined
                                        symbols when using shared

2 and 3 work fine !!

I would like to thank the following people who responded: (Max Lanfranconi - R and D)
Richard.Hellier <>
Joel Abbott <> (Michael Baumann)
Paul DuBois <> (Ed Arnold) (Judy Russell)
mike%trdlnk@uunet.UU.NET (Michael Sullivan)
John Ellithorpe <> (Donald McLachlan) (David N. Edwards)

A special thanks to Massimo Lanfranconi ( who phoned me only two
hours after I had posted the e-mail !!!

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